Yahweh’s Gold Bank (“YWG“), the confederation’s central gold depository – a form of economic institution under customary law and jurisdiction of the Indigenous People Autonomous Region of Cordillera Nation, formed on December 9, 2023. It is headquartered in Abra, Cordillera Nation, along with its subsidiaries ASIN Bank and NPIC Financial Services Cooperative.

YGB, the Global Monetary Trust (“GGMT”) and its service providers and platforms provide the Confederation, the Cordillera Nation, all nations, banks and all sovereign individuals of the world with a safe, flexible, stable gold backed monetary and financial system which is not based upon debt and is not inflationary.

Yahweh’s Gold Bank’s key metrics:

  • 0.00% – Current Bank Lending Rate
  • 3.00% – Maximum Bank Retail Lending Rate

(Formally known as the Confederation Cooperative Central Gold Depository Bank)